Monday, 9 May 2011

Art for Heart Sake

Chris McHugh and I were planning to teach a Yoga workshop together (I think it was in 2006). We were both sitting on the floor of the Brighton Studio where we work (Unit 4) and we looked at the skeleton, hanging in the corner. I gazed at it, trying to imagine how the bones feel inside. Chris is a doctor (of medicine) and we chatted about how we would include the anatomy appropriately in the workshop.

I suddenly noticed that the pelvis is heart shaped! Then we realised the first rib is also heart shaped...actually, so is the sacrum. We looked down at our feet and found that it was easy to imagine they too are heart shaped. Then we discovered something wonderful that you can only feel.

If you stand up and sense that the heart shape of your first ribs are over the heart shape of your pelvis - firmly over the heart shape of your feet (either together or separate hearts in Tadasana, standing 'mountain pose',) you actually find a wonderful sense of poise and balance. Try it!

adapted from Albinus on anatomy: The First Rib - heart-shaped
The Feet - together or individually - sensing the shape

adapted from Albinus on anatomy: The Pelvis & Sacrum

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