I first met Tom in 1998 and was inspired by his teaching of whole body anatomy based on the concept of Anatomy Trains. For the first time the body language I was seeking to interpret had an interpreter who could speak it in joined up writing! Tom is an entertainer, an archetypal magician and mentor with a charismatic ability to literally spell-bind a room. He is also very brilliant at what he does and a wonderful poet, so I was captivated by his rendition of the fascial body-wide matrix. His opening words were:
"there ain't no muscles, connected to no bones, nowhere in no body"
I was hooked! Next stop USA.
The training at Tom's KMI school in Boston (I believe in its second year when I started way back in the 20th century) was a trial by fire for me. However as the alchemist (much as I burned) it was fuel in my laboratory. I read, studied, devoured the unpublished spreads he gave me to proof read of the first edition of Anatomy Trains, before it went to print. They bubbled in my mental testing ground and every class I arrived with new questions of why the anatomy books showed one thing - yet the Anatomy Trains had such a different perspective.... and so I let those pink and white pages reorganise and recreate my understanding of anatomy on every level. Then the
real questions started.
I am so glad now that I didn't come to the class room as a doctor or physiotherapist with an investment in the classical view of human anatomical study. I wished at the time that I had more medical knowledge of it - but now it is a blessing that I wasn't tethered to the traditional path. My education was in the work of Leonardo da Vinci or Michelangelo - who had used their secret studies of the real human form to revitalise and animate the images they painted on inanimate canvas. With nothing but pigment they could bring a two dimensional image to life so that it seemed to breathe. If the anatomy books were right, we were trying to reduce the real living breathing version to the state of a diagram. It was akin to analysing the non-living example that might be found
under canvas in a morgue, covered in labeled parts. There were my renaissance heroes carving life out of stone - and I needed my new clients to stand still like statues and all be identical - if the traditional books were to be believed.
People don't stand still very much!
Something wasn't making sense here.
Every person I was touching appeared to have their own version of anatomy. Although they were basically built to a similar pattern -
ish, it was clearly
not an exact science and, more to the point, everyone
moved and
felt differently
. (Most inconvenient if you are trying to count vertebrae one by one, or find a hidden bony point that they don't appear to have.) A new world was emerging in which the common denominator was definitely
not in the anatomically correct schematic diagrams. It was a constantly changing, moving, oscillating, unique-to-each-person, strictly
animated version of something that just did not function as a so-called "musculo-skeletal system". Sorry guys - but there wasn't a person alive in that room who moved (or hurt) according to the traditional books!
As Lewis Carroll said in Alice in Wonderland "curiouser and curiouser" - don't you think?
Tom wasn't so much confident as passionate back then, before Fascia Research had escalated and verified so many aspects of what he had dared to put into print. Thank goodness he dared - even if he did promise "Anatomy Trains is only a metaphor" -
(and bear in mind that the magic of a metaphor is soul food to the poet)!
Touching where the client felt pain was one thing.... |
Knowing where you were was another.... |
...the moving client was yet another.... |
...and everyone was different... |
...and relating all that to an anatomical diagram was something else entirely....
...until you had Anatomy Trains joining it all together!
(Check out the Arm Lines to make sense of this)
Below my water-colour sketches that helped me make sense of the moving living continuity that Anatomy Trains articulates so successfully - we are continuous and we don't move mechanically, so a continuous metaphor, map or meridian literally and symbolically makes sense to the breathing human moving their own animated body.